
The Bridge audiovisual group is based on a commitment between the company’s Docwerk, AV-Wise, and M-media giving us a unique resource of people, materials, and expertise. 
Combined we only deliver the very best of the audiovisual crew who have proved themselves in previous events.


AV WISE is specialized in Led/video solutions for high-end corporate – trade fairs and television studios. Running for example the ISPN and VI studios in cooperation with M-media.


DOC WERK is specialized in live / recording camerawork


M MEDIA is specialized in video technology and high-end video solutions for example in live streaming. 

In practice the Bridge AV group is responsible and your person of contact during the process. 
We will make the first designs, proposals, and planning where we will be working closely with our partners. After approval we will deliver a project manager, and crew and coordinate the equipment, the company’s AV-wise, M-media, and Docwerk will deliver their specialized team and equipment to the event.
This results in a well-oiled machine with very specialized people giving you the certainty that everything will work out as planned.